Category: Technology
Test day care for Prework round 2. I feel like I did better than last test — A LOT better. I didn’t finish the larger problem at the end, but I got further on it than the last one. We’ll see how it goes. Results will be out before Saturday. I’ll be honest as I…
Another round of PreWork starts at Sabio on 7 May 2019. I’ll be re-enrolling. I’m positive what I need is more repetition. I really underestimated time I needed to put in. Until then, I’ll setup a Genesis theme Podcasting Blogger and coding a jquery project. I learned enough to make one of my project web…
This ride is getting more fun
Today, I wrestled with my obsession for perfection*. These periods of reflection seem to happen more frequently. I’m sure it’s because I have A LOT of content I want to create right now. One thing that’s taken way too long to put out is a comparison list of audio hosting platforms. I put it together…
I finished Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman.
When telling a story about a life struggle, tell us how you won or plan to win
The WordPress app has really nailed the RSS reader feature. I also use it to post these. If the site is built on WordPress, you just add it by searching title or domain name the BAM. I like smartly built things. It reminds me that one of the first personal projects to develop is an…
JavaScript is the next mountain to climb in my learning. I’m looking forward to it. It’s overdue. I’m in year 3 of this Web Developer madness. I love it. In a way, I feel that I’ve plateaued. That’s not right. What’s the best way to articulate?… I mean to say that my imagination or creative…
Work is becoming regular, and it feels good. Primarily, I’m doing developer work. In the background, nothing customer direct. And I think there’s a really good pace to see how these things work. With what I know so far about the web design process, direct to customer part, I am not crazy about the idea…
When initially planning my LLC’s website, I wanted to explain the services in a list of frequently asked questions. I thought of cool ways to design it like a colorful accordion. But I also thought “it’s been done”. That’s boring. Dated. Boring and dated are the opposite of what I want the business to achieve.…