Category: Technology
I wonder why 3D TVs didn’t takeoff. I also wonder when we’ll begin making movies for AR/VR technology.
Today, I noticed printed paper signs written on patio exit doors of a favorite restaurant, and I thought of a technology I’d like to see: programmable glass panes.
Today, I rode my InMotion V11 EUC for the second time. This ride went 72x better than my first. Spoiler: I wore my motorcycle boots.
Selling apparel or other products online? Print a QR code on the item to let buyers become walking leads for new buyers.
I stopped at a drive-up ATM for some tipping cash, in the ATM machine told me I input the wrong pin very late in the process. Here’s how that user flow should probably go. originally published on my LinkedIn.
This weekend, Dad let me borrow his F150, and it reminded me of how much I miss having a pickup truck. Still, I won’t buy another truck unless it’s electrified.
My V11 is here. I bought an electric unicycle from Inmotion. What a time to be alive.
Today, I dropped off the CRV at a guess home about 6 miles from my apartment. It’s not my first Turo delivery to a guest, but it’s the first paid delivery.
I think I can be designing and developing by noon every day that isn’t a daddy visitation day. It’s a realistic goal, and a probably very productive habit.