Category: Relationships
Relationship posts; some will be private and only available to MPW Insider subscribers
Last night, I dreamed that my kids’ mom and I were getting along. I’m going to call it foreshadowing. We can’t possibly be enemies forever. I was in some kind of school setting, and there were some field exercises. I was able to fly, but I didn’t because I didn’t leave. I didn’t want to…
I made a couple of crucial mistakes in not hiring an attorney soon enough and rushing to hire a piece-of-sh*t attorney. Now, unfortunately, a good attorney is forced to clean up the mess.
My attorney and I have been pushing forward as much as we can with settling a drawn out divorce. I’m having a pretty serious financial hardship following retirement. Here’s the situation with my divorce. We negotiated over the summer of 2018 and got a document ready to sign on our 27 Sep 2018. When I…
There’s a little light at the end of the dark tunnel. I’ve been in a drawn-out divorce for over a year. And because of my own passiveness early in the process, I’ve been getting my ass kicked – both financially and with the parenting arrangement. It’s refreshing to have someone on your team that’s read…