Category: Relationships
Relationship posts; some will be private and only available to MPW Insider subscribers
Me being uncomfortably transparent: I could be too obsessive to be in a healthy relationship.
A friend posed a question on social media: “Conversation piece: how do you feel about prenups and why? if you agree with them how would you like to see your’s written? What would you include? and if you don’t agree make a really strong case as to why you don’t” I eagerly offered my opinion…
Here’s a poem about love in a relationship.
Today, I thought of a theory about relationships that really cracked me up. There is a link between how long it takes to become tired of someone’s personality traits and how pretty there are. When a good-looking person’s appearance has less effect on you, do you start to be slightly more annoyed by the personality…
I got in late to the party on Sabio Lab work. Having passed Prework, I started lab work the following week. Well, I was supposed to. There’s some confusion on my end and the school admin about how the process of enrolling should go for vets attending through Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Program (Voc Rehab).…
I passed the assessment for Sabio’s Prework (prerequisite course). I’m in. Next step is to get scheduled for class. I’m asking for a Sep start date. I want to be moved back to Alabama and have a divorce settled. The family court date is set for mid-July if we don’t reach a settlement. We won’t…
I’m having second thoughts about the Facebook singles’ group. It’s kinda bumming me out. Not sure what I expected. Maybe I’m just not in that place.
Recently, I joined a singles group on Facebook. Someone asked the question “Have you been on a real date in 2019?” I started wondering if I will ever date again. I started wondering again about not agreeing to marry without a prenuptial agreement and what sorts of things I might put in that agreement. I…
The kids and I are going to have to do some rebuilding. This side of their family is full of love. We have a solid team who wants to see the right thing done by us. The news from the hearing is that the judge has given pretrial and trial dates. The most significant news…
Tomorrow is a hearing for my divorce. The hearing is to modify a very unfair temporary order and modify child support. I decided not to attend. My attorney is proactive and capable. Took too long to find her. Took to many credit card charges to other attorneys. I decided not to go because I don’t…