Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
That feeling of overwhelm crept up today. There’s still so much for me to learn about Web Development. I have the fundamentals dialed in enough to probably get a client or two. And realistically, I’m sure I know more than anyone that’s considering hiring someone else to build or manage a web site. That might…
There’s a little light at the end of the dark tunnel. I’ve been in a drawn-out divorce for over a year. And because of my own passiveness early in the process, I’ve been getting my ass kicked – both financially and with the parenting arrangement. It’s refreshing to have someone on your team that’s read…
I have Tuesdays and Saturdays. Those are the only two days that every day feels like — one or the other. If I have some kind of obligation where I will definitely be interacting with other humans, that’s a Tuesday’s. Those are things like medical appointments or coaching at the gym. Since I associate Monday…
I’m not done with Christmas music, and I hope they’re still eggnog left at grocery stores. It’s not denial. It’s what I want. I also want to play at voice acting. The voice acting seems like a natural progression from my narrating blog posts. Plus I already have the gear and setup. Plus that. The…
I gotta be honest: scratching things of a To Do List feels great. It feels better going to sleep at night. Today is Christmas, but in a way, it’s not. I didn’t travel to see family this year even though I have no obligations that would’ve prevented me. The largest factor is I can’t cover…
I miss Toastmasters. This morning, I had an epiphany about attending the weekly events. First, a little background: I haven’t been going to Toastmaster club events for over a year. Not because I don’t enjoy them – I love everything about how these events promote improving public speaking. It’s my weight. In about two years…
I brought the alarm clock back. It’s part of experimenting with keeping a morning schedule. I’m waking at 0700. The 7-8 hour is for drinking an apple cider vinegar and alkaline water, making a Today Top 3 To Do list, feeding my tortoise Annie, and responding to an direct messages. I also take the meds…
Maybe I need a few more failures to secure my dream epitaph. Is that a thing? A dream epitaph? Here are some ideas I have: He tried…at everything…seriously He was fearless He didn’t believe in limits May he rest after punching up Heaven’s Welcome Packet He took you for a ride if you asked him…
1998 was a good year. 2018 was pretty damn good too. My military career is finished, but this doesn’t feel like the end of anything except wearing a uniform. When I transitioned into the military 20 years ago, I was excited but terrified. Leaving the military, I feel like that kid all over again but…
It was clear to me very soon after retirement, maybe even before, that I could not rely on my feelings for motivation. In fact, I can’t rely or wait on motivation either. For me, the trial period is over. I’m convinced that waiting until I feel up for writing, designing, coding, or completing a course…
I like to make a big deal online about my birthday. It’s equal parts entertaining myself and being ironic. I’ve been retired from the military for 3 months, but it feels like I’m on leave indefinitely with a lumberjack’s beard. If I had to describe my mental, I’m lingering between what I should be doing…