Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
Today move by pretty quickly, and I can’t recall much of it. I put some honey castor oil, And egg yolk in my hair for a few hours.It’s a home remedy for regrowing hair. I found a young lady who did it for nine weeks. She vlogged her results on YouTube. Plus it’s just cheap…
Today, I brought back my four hours sprints — time-blocking. For maybe a month, I had abandoned scheduling work hours. Not sure why; doesn’t matter. This morning, I noticed I felt a lot better about my day. No BS — I think it actually helped my mood blocking-off those windows of time (I’d been feeling…
What gives me joy is building things. It’s the best part. Second best part is brainstorming, I think. That’s all I want to do: solve problems by building things. I was thinking this morning — when I initially blew off writing — about creating a mastermind group. It’s not the first time I’ve thought about…
I see the tattoo on my left side regularly. It’s big and stretches from bottom of the armpit to the base of my love handle. The bottom has faded quite a bit, but the top looks it could’ve been inked a few months ago. In a serif type (looks like Cambria it Garamond) and all…
While driving, sometimes I think about being hospitalized, I tell myself that I’d get so much writing done. I might even watch Seinfeld. I definitely rewatch Boondocks Seasons 1, 2, and 3. If you know the Boondocks cartoon, you know why. My poor MacBook wouldn’t get any breaks.
Today, I wrestled with my obsession for perfection*. These periods of reflection seem to happen more frequently. I’m sure it’s because I have A LOT of content I want to create right now. One thing that’s taken way too long to put out is a comparison list of audio hosting platforms. I put it together…
I could be a more patient man. Or maybe not. It’s hard to know if I become more patient with age or less. I spun my wheels a lot in some JavaScript homework. Did some giving up. Cussed into the air. I’d like to learn faster because there’s other shyt to do. I went at…
I was thinking recently about how I went cold turkey on the Clash of Clans. I started playing this freemium mobile app in November 2012 –about three months after it hit Apple’s App Store. I have four accounts. I would play on three different devices: an iPad mini, and iPhone six, and a Google Pixel…
My best friend is a reptile. For a long time, I didn’t care about the sex of the tortoise I adopted in April of 2012. I called it “Annie” and rolled with feminine pronouns. Turns out Annie is a boy. Recently, I decided to Google “gender of Sulcata tortoise?”. The reason for my search is…
I get a lot of inspiration from people. When I’m working on a draft, I like to go to my favorite breakfast spot and play music through one earbud. Mostly, my head is down in the laptop, but I’m watching and listening to what’s going on around me. On the surface, it’s just logical that…
In the shower this morning, I thought of a game to play with the kids while we’re driving. My daughter is 3 now, so she’ll be a Pro at her colors. My son, who will turn 6 next month should be wizard level. The Game We’ll each choose a color. The first person to spot…
I spent the weekend with family at my parent’s. For most it, I forgot my phone existed — which is normally how it goes. That’s something I appreciate. It confirms my suspicion that I reach for the internet when I don’t feel connected to what’s going on around me. I’m probably not the only one.…