Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I had a really good conversation with my kids’ mom. Turns out we both have plans for a big house. She mentioned that she was having part of her mom’s bedroom and bathroom renovated. The new layout would have the bathroom inside the bedroom. It was an actual conversation. That was refreshing. It happened in…
The only thing I’m sure I want in my life right now is no restrictions. I just don’t want my hands tied in any way. Yet. I continue to put myself in situations that are difficult to resolve, fix, or escape.
I’ve never learned to tie a bowtie. I think they’re dope, but nope. Never learned. Or owned one
Oh yeah! Last night, I discovered that I can set my alarm to play a song! This is a serious game changer right here, my friend.
During my final military-funded move, I learned valuable lessons about myself, planning, and just how much stuff I own. I Should Outsource That Accomplishing large tasks costs time, money, or both. With a little logical reasoning, I could have deduced that I did not have the time to give to cleaning my apartment — including…
I’ve officially said goodbye to Sumter, South Carolina. 31 August fell on a Saturday, and I was forced to set Friday as the day to turn off utilities. Well, I didn’t expect the power company to be so sufficient. My power was cut at roughly 2:30pm. Well Played, Duke Power After getting the Honda’s loaded…
Do I feel like a hero when I set the time on the clock of a rental car? Yeah, I kinda do.
Have I become too good to reuse the Country Crock®️ containers?
Me being uncomfortably transparent: I could be too obsessive to be in a healthy relationship.
If this freelancing thing doesn’t workout, I have Ramuel Jackson as a plan b.
A friend posed a question on social media: “Conversation piece: how do you feel about prenups and why? if you agree with them how would you like to see your’s written? What would you include? and if you don’t agree make a really strong case as to why you don’t” I eagerly offered my opinion…