Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I want to try out dating apps again. But I don’t want to use my name. I’m thinking something monosyllabic like Buck or Hal. Maybe even Rob.
Children need structure. My nature is the opposite of structure. So, while my children will see me as the fun parent, they might also see me as the parent that stresses them out. One positive is that if either or both get into stand-up comedy, they should have a good bit of material.
Stick to the habits, Michael. Your feelings are Kryptonite to task-completion. Stay in the game. Time block. Get it done.
This is me trying to explain How I fall in love with strangers every day
A Future Me Reflecting on a Difficult Period During a Year That’s Easily One of the Best Since I Learned to Walk: I was looking for the shortest path to peace. The months without work after retirement to avoid a 9 to 5(to avoid rules and restrictions); the long freelance hours; the overlapping commitments; the…
Mentally, physically exhausted. Today, I moved. Again. The result of a failure to communicate a business agreement. And further, a failure to document and sign an agreement. It’s shameful that I put myself in this position. Checkout I want to be done with people for a while. But I don’t move into my own private…
I want points for showing up today. Thank you.
Today, I let someone else’s shitty energy seep into mine. Just a sprinkle. A dab. A smidgen, if you will. But it was just enough to trigger my self-doubt reflex. And I wondered “How do people make me feel like the bad guy so effortlessly?” How? How they pull it off? Or a better question:…
Taken down early by a relentless headache. I could really use a good coma right now. Sorry, I mean nap. I could use a good nap
Sometimes on LinkedIn, I look at Front End Web Developer job listings in Huntsville and surrounding areas. I pretend that I could pull off having a boss again if I really wanted.
Our sight only allows us to see things within the world we’ve created in our minds In other words, experiences and interpretations shape perception. The older we get the harder we fight to protect those perceptions – think of how true the adage of old dog/new tricks. You can see the evidence in everything from…
This morning, I thought about why we see less value in things given to us versus things we buy. Actually, I just thought about why I’m like that. I think the key is ownership. On my last trip to Alabama, my mom sent me off with a bag of yellow apples. I don’t remember what…