Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
With working for myself, my face is part of my brand. I’m getting my smile fixed.
I don’t hate college. I hate really, really stupid systems. Systems that scholarly people are expected to improve or replace with more efficient systems.
My son is going through a bragging phase. I gave him some advice that might help SM3’s website book clients
At the moment, my daughter has an issue with talking back, but her and I are working diligently to resolve the problem
I’ve been sleeping better while having the kids.
I bought the kids two much stuff for Christmas. I don’t think they’re unappreciative. I do think they’re overwhelmed.
Am I wrong for not wanting people to tell my daughter she’s pretty? I don’t know if I’m an asshole or not
Today, my son, the older of my two, introduced me to a card game called Liar.
My daughter has started singing along to music in the car. Maybe we’re closer to figuring out another outlet for her.
Positive reinforcement builds a child’s self-confidence and it promotes their repeating good behavior. It’s also something I have to practice.
This is the first Christmas/New Years holiday break in two years that I didn’t have to ask for visitation. I’m grateful for my support system.
I wonder if destroying the kids in games is the right approach to feeding their hunger for strategic games.