Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
Today, I was the kind of tired that reminded me of being on active duty again where you just gotta show up.
I have an interesting theory about self-confidence. I believe it moves, bounces, or shifts in our minds.
It’s Tell Someone Tuesday. Here’s Too Much Information about my financial situation.
I feel like I have been taking my skills and time for granted. I got comfortable and haven’t taken professional risks since arriving in this town.
My daughter said goodbye before hanging up our call. Progress is being made.
My niece turned 12 years old today, but I can remember my little brother, her dad, at that age like it was yesterday.
I’m on fire today. I don’t know why, but I’m riding it out.
I wasted so much time today. My morning was spent calling and messaging about appointments and prescriptions. I definitely accomplished early. I’m putting on a Star Wars book and going to sleep early. This day is shit. And also I started Wellbutrin because my new PCM will not continue my Adderall XR prescription without an…
I’m a natural Giver. I’ve been trying out being more Taker. The results are great, and I’m nearing a perfect balance.
It’s Tell Someone Tuesday. Here’s a Facebook post
My daughter, 4, can’t identify all the letters. My son says she’s in a class with 3 year olds. That’s something I’ll have to followup. I’m worried though. I was hoping to have a conversation with her mom about stating her in kindergarten this year. Her birthday is in Dec like mine is, and I…
I asked my six year old son to make a tough promise: that if he becomes an engineer, he will bring back hot and cold water knobs in showers.