Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
A short love song.
I’m positively impacted by my partner in significant ways. Let me tell you the ways I’m affected by her today.
I’m good. Actually, I’m great. I’m living in the moment and haven’t stopped to write about it. I still enjoy writing. I’m making the life I want. It’s a breath of fresh air. Maybe I’ll tell you about it.
A poem and open letter about two people drawn toward each other.
I think I’m going to have to go see what the big deal is with bingo nights on base. The suspense is starting to eat away at me.
Yesterday, a stranger complimented my beard. That feels good and reaffirms to me that I can proudly continue wearing the gray. In 42 years, looking my age has never been important to me. I can’t think of a reason to change perspectives now.
I got invited to attend Oakwood University Church. That hasn’t happened in years. People who invite others to church or some of my favorite people.
Reflecting on a recent date with the young lady I like, I handled my anger poorly in a cluster of bad decisions. The song I woke up with stuck in my head has some lyrics that are eerily on the nose. Feels like I’m in a movie or something.
I don’t feel like I’m undateable. Intuitively, but the evidence against the argument is really piling up.
I recorded a voice memo for today’s journal. It’s about dating and where I am mentally with dating right now.
Join me on an inspiring journey as I navigate life after coding school graduation, embracing new paths and pursuing personal projects. In this video, I share my experiences and insights into the exciting world of non-traditional work opportunities.
I have to develop a habit of reminding myself that I’m also a high-value partner — a good catch, if you will. I almost canceled plans with someone who genuinely wants to be with me. This one is straight up me looking in the mirror and course correcting.