Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
Last night, I dreamed about Prototype — a lovely young lady in Louisiana I spent time with briefly. Our time together was short, but our energy has been unforgettable.
This morning, I channeled Grandpap (grandfather on my dad’s side) when I told the kids “Out! Out! Out!” of my bathroom.
My son introduced me to a hilarious joke.
After I splurged on an electric toothbrush and a water flosser, I’m heading to bed feeling like I just left a dental cleaning.
It’s day 2 of braces, and I have survived just fine. I really, really don’t like chewing. That’s unfortunate because I still really like food.
Am I a good father? We’ll find out eventually. There are exactly two people in existence qualified to give me a score, and they’re both still working on basic sentence structure. Time will tell if I’m a good dad. Until the report is available, I’m going to follow my instincts.
I’m getting clear braces installed 1 week early — tomorrow. I feel like I should’ve planned for getting groceries.
My son got on the call to ask if I had replaced his defective robot. My daughter sounded down and did not want to hang up.
I went very deep into learning more about SEO today.
I’ve given up on attempting to go back to sleep once I awake — no matter the time. When I wake up, the day starts. Let’s rock it like NASA!
I don’t know. Maybe it’s the mountains, overcast, and Subarus. Huntsville feels really Colorado right now.
A message for me