Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
A video clip of a Gary Vaynerchuk fan discussing his children and the content he produces triggered me rethinking my purpose for creating content
There are few things more gratifying to me than receiving the answer to a burning question. It’s freeing.
I’m ddedicating this weekend to home improvement.
I have a habit of assigning myself way home too many tasks. It’s like I’m allergic to having nothing on my plate.
I slept and napped through most of todat. I tell myself that I don’t take this level of freedom for granted.
Last night, I dreamed about Prototype — a lovely young lady in Louisiana I spent time with briefly. Our time together was short, but our energy has been unforgettable.
This morning, I channeled Grandpap (grandfather on my dad’s side) when I told the kids “Out! Out! Out!” of my bathroom.
My son introduced me to a hilarious joke.
After I splurged on an electric toothbrush and a water flosser, I’m heading to bed feeling like I just left a dental cleaning.
It’s day 2 of braces, and I have survived just fine. I really, really don’t like chewing. That’s unfortunate because I still really like food.
Am I a good father? We’ll find out eventually. There are exactly two people in existence qualified to give me a score, and they’re both still working on basic sentence structure. Time will tell if I’m a good dad. Until the report is available, I’m going to follow my instincts.
I’m getting clear braces installed 1 week early — tomorrow. I feel like I should’ve planned for getting groceries.