Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
On LinkedIn Learning I finished a new course on creating WordPress themes with the Genesis framework.
I missed the kids a lot today.
The kids and I makeup names for things, and it’s one of the things I live most about being their dad.
I need recognition. That’s who I am.
My baby brother made 31 years old today.
I accomplished zero contructive tasks. I didnt even get out my rocketbook to mske a Top 3 list.
Everything, every person has to have a purpose. It’s how I’m wired. It’s my default.
I really like this apartment. Recently, I’m making too many maintenance requests for the price I rent it.
My daughter believed oatmeal was yucky before I got her to taste it. She was then convinced that it was delicious.
My home office redesign has run into Day 2. I underestimated the amount of work needed or I overestimated my ability to stay on task.
How do I enforce obedience without resistance and assure the children they can ask for clarity or help when carrying out my instructions?
The rule at my dinner table is the messiest eater cleans the table and floor after everyone finishes eating.