Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
The kids and I celebrated Memorial Day by playing Super Smash Bros on Nintendo Wii U. We made really great progress.
The kids and I have a hug we call the Hobo Hug. It’s where you embrace someone and put the top of your forehead against there’s.
Today, I remembered to add bobby pins to my grocery list. I get the feeling I won’t be getting any nominations for Most Organized Parent Award. I feel very neutral about that. As I remind my children as often as they mention “my mom does…”, “my mom says…”, I am me.
I worry about my daughter. She’s so angry. She could be acting out for any combination of reasons.
This week, I started sessions at Focus Physical Therapy for my back issues – two herniated disks. They’re building a program around the root of my problems, and I’m feeling good about physical therapy again after considering it a waste of time for years.
This morning, I thought maybe I’m not planning as well as I should for retirement — the second retirement in my 60s. It occurred to me that I’ve been thinking of the permanent retirement the wrong way. Without a doubt, I don’t want to work for money when I hit age 60. (I’m aware the…
Because of COVID-19 and homemade face masks, I get to flex my bandana collection. I’m thinking I might rock my Virgin Mary bandana tomorrow. Spiritus sancti
My son is all about games. He talks to me when I call now.
I feel like if I tried skiing I would need to know how having snowboards on my feet feels and abandon the poles. That’s an itch I’d have to scratch first.
It’s taking a lot of willpower to resist put my stuff in the kids’ room closet. It’s bigger than mine. I got a crazy headache from nowhere.
Today, I went to a park to meet a woman I met in a dating app. She didn’t show or respond although her empty car was there. It was so weird but also upsetting because I was coding and really in the zone before I left home.
I think apple skin could make a decent snack, and I would buy them.