Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I like the people around me. I have some long time friends that stay in my orbit despite my — well, despite me being me. I genuinely appreciate having the freedom to choose the members of my circles. I don’t think I can articulate this feeling except to say it’s a breath of fresh air.
Fetishizing minority partners doesn’t mean you’re not racist.
My son is going through an “actually” phase. It’s pure entertainment.
On the way from Baskin Robbins, my daughter invented a pirate named Captain Spoon Eye.
Today during a shower, I thought of ways to negate – or better refute – the concept of an objective right and wrong.
An open letter to racists encouraging them to get out of the way of us who want to see humanity evolve beyond ridiculous beliefs
I’m strongly attracted to vanity.
The kids have joined me in dreaming about Bubblehead, the Q style Quonset home I want to build by my 45th birthday. Recently, I’ve been convincing myself it’s time to get a cubicle job again.
Just like when I was a kid, my kids are consistently trying to pull fast ones over on me. It gives a me a good laugh and deep smile.
HDMI ports and connectors could have been symmetrical. I just know it.
I picked up the kids their first Huntsville Bikes.
I did some bike shopping on Facebook Marketplace. I’m gonna go see three bikes tomorrow morning – 1 girls, 2 boys.