Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I don’t think anything about me and my two kids gives me more joy than the words we make up. Skittemawrinks is our version of shenanigans except it’s not limited to a specific part of speech and any use case is an acceptable use of the word.
My son is still look what I can do age.
My daughter’s impulse control is a negative integer.
I’ve been obsessively protective of my pride
The kids’ mom won’t agree to exchanging the kids at a location closer to my home. My drive remains 7 hours round trip compared to their mom’s 3 hours round trip. I have a right to be frustrated.
I wonder what I’ve been doing with my life all these years that I’m not better at nunchucks right now.
You can’t win ’em all But if you could, They weren’t all winners
A quote from the POTUS
I’m logging my food and eating according to a specific macro balance. It’s been near impossible to get my protein intake.
I don’t have the patience for ridiculous political arguments and generalizations.
I want to become better at understanding people, so I am changing the way I argue.
A post from Facebook reflecting on how it must look to irritionally defend a person.