Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I love my kids, but they can’t be trusted to toothpaste their own toothbrushes.
My kids have reached Go Fish age.
My son looks like Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon and my daughter acts like Toph.
I’m comfortable out of league.
Seeing the brand Frigidaire reminds me of my grandmother, Mom Johnson.
I still have my doubts about how well I’m doing at this parenting thing.
The best opinions are the invited kind.
I don’t think anything about me and my two kids gives me more joy than the words we make up. Skittemawrinks is our version of shenanigans except it’s not limited to a specific part of speech and any use case is an acceptable use of the word.
My son is still look what I can do age.
My daughter’s impulse control is a negative integer.
I’ve been obsessively protective of my pride
The kids’ mom won’t agree to exchanging the kids at a location closer to my home. My drive remains 7 hours round trip compared to their mom’s 3 hours round trip. I have a right to be frustrated.