Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
Is there a such thing as a minor infatuation?
I’m dedicated this short moment to my being completely honest about what I want (professionally).
I’m positive that I’m using dating apps to distract me from being productive.
No idea why I’m so tired.
I should have had a list of foods and drinks I wanted to partake in once my braces were removed.
I took the kids to the pool at the apartments, and I’m glad I didn’t bail
I like building web page forms.
I hope to train my children so well in mastering Domnioes that I never have to play a match again.
My daughter understands she was kicked out of preschools. I don’t like that explanation because it implies she’s the problem. I told her the school doesn’t have someone that can help with her talents.
My daughter learned to swing today!
I would have so much more peace if I didn’t grade myself in every damn thing.
I use humor to cope in bad times. In fact, I’d say it’s my go-to respond.