Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I launched websites for my kids tonight. I’m geeked and looking forward to want they want to create.
Comedians are the best people on the planet. #FightMe
It was very cold last in my home, but I didn’t know it. I love my duvet.
I slept like I was getting paid for it. Good morning.
Today, I’ll have a second round of RFT for my back. That makes 2 in one year. I gotta be honest, I feel like the first should have lasted longer.
Why is this puzzle of getting more free of obligations so hard to solve?
I dreamed about being at Barksdale and working with my Barksdale crew again.
My daughter turned 5 years old today. She’s a tiny big deal.
I’m getting new glasses. I’m geeking out a little bit because it will be nice to have glasses I enjoy wearing.
I’m not one of those punctual Veterans.
My son wanted to talk about a new Zelda that came out for Nintendo Switch and WiiU. My daughter wanted to practice laughing and asked me to tell her jokes. Also, it’s snowing today.
I miss my kids. This morning, I woke up hearing my daughter’s voice in my head saying maple syrup as she does like MO-pup syrup.