Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I’ve had at least 8 good days this year. But yeah let’s go ahead and conclude Chapter 2020. Put a fork in it; it’s done.
Christmas Eve morning, Aiden told me a new joke: ‘What’s fast, crunchy, and it flies?’
My kids call egg nog Christmas Milk
Family is everything. I have to remind myself from time to time that I need to do things for the kids no matter how I feel.
On this day in year 2015 via Facebook, I brainstormed some rapper names for my rap career.
I’m uncomfortable with how comfortable I am being selfish and self-centered.
In the shower, I had a moment of existential reflection while thinking about my kids and teaching them about why we need people. I had a thought that it’s people that give us purpose. Consider a situation where you end up alone on a deserted tropical island. In the scenario, there’s enough vegetation, food, wildlife…
I think the qualities that are leading me to become successful are the same qualities that will secure my dying alone.
I’m thinking about my son and his love for Minecraft. You won’t grasp his appreciation for the game until he engages you in a one-sided conversation about it.
Asking for help with my ideas is a foreign concept.
I explain to my dad my experience with dating and dating apps. In short, I would love to see more matches who are clear about their dating intent.
Fluffing bean bag beds for fun. AND it’s a great way to stay in shape.