Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
My brother told us my niece tested positive for COVID-19. The ‘Rona has hit close to home.
There’s something really good about seeing the year 2021. I just can’t put my finger on it, but damn it feels good.
I am obsessed with creating multiple income streams and building generational wealth.
I‘m watching the office again, and then noticing some things I hadn’t picked up on.
It looks like I was so caught up in the moment and Christmas magic that I left on my $70 toothbrush in the hotel room.
I’ve had at least 8 good days this year. But yeah let’s go ahead and conclude Chapter 2020. Put a fork in it; it’s done.
Christmas Eve morning, Aiden told me a new joke: ‘What’s fast, crunchy, and it flies?’
My kids call egg nog Christmas Milk
Family is everything. I have to remind myself from time to time that I need to do things for the kids no matter how I feel.
On this day in year 2015 via Facebook, I brainstormed some rapper names for my rap career.
I’m uncomfortable with how comfortable I am being selfish and self-centered.
In the shower, I had a moment of existential reflection while thinking about my kids and teaching them about why we need people. I had a thought that it’s people that give us purpose. Consider a situation where you end up alone on a deserted tropical island. In the scenario, there’s enough vegetation, food, wildlife…