Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
It’s been a productive day.
I think selling sells better than talent. Also, I think this has been proven and persists in the entertainment industry.
I have to stop skipping school.
From a great comic called Dinosaur.
Temperatures are back to normal. I guess I’ll go and try again at buying some damn milk and eggs.
I laughed at the thought of a handle of the young ladies I grew up with who we knew we’re going to be fine once we all grew up.
Today is Mom Johnson’s birthday.
I made waffles for breakfast, and I was a hero for it.
There’s something about watching my daughter sleep.
My children don’t share my love for cinema.
The need to use the bathroom first thing in the morning offends me. It impacts my ability to stay in bed.
I don’t get how snails have survived. I’m not saying I’m not impressed. I just don’t get it.