Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
Bumble has a cool question about what your 3rd grade teacher would say about you. Coincidentally, I don’t remember 3rd grade. Seriously, I don’t.
I have so much I want to do. I feel a lot like a web-dwelling spider with ADHD who lives in my bathroom. This Easter morning, I decided to name it Chaos.
Appreciate the Sandcastle Helpers in your world. These are the people that see what you’re doing and do something to help you move forward.
Today’s post is private. In it I share some good news about my VA Disability. Link to register and view private posts
I found this household life hacks article. I thought some of these are brilliant ideas.
I had a great VA exam appointment that I almost bailed on because of the storm. Also, my mom gave me some gems of wisdom.
I go to the Birmingham VA today to get my low back condition examined. The ultimate goal is to have the condition properly named.
This Dinos and Comics strip feels perfect for today.
I’m one appointment closer to the end of another round of raising VA disability ratings. The last stretch, and I’m fatiguing. Is that a word??
Some observations about where my kids might fit in within the Dune universe.
Why does my son so violently ruin socks?
I miss my tiny people team who I’ll have this weekend. I remind them often about my job as their Dad.