Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
I’m getting 2-3 migraines per week since class started at NSS. Can’t put my finger on what’s going on.
One really great perk of being an adult is that your feet no longer grow.
My brain was smoked. How smoked was it? I’ll tell you.
Having been pummeled by an 8 yr old, I might have to practice Smash Bro Ultimate. This weekend, I explained to the kids how ADHD affects me.
The kids woke after 8:30 am this morning. I’m giving credit to the droplet of lavender oil I added to their pillows.
My daughter started kindergarten and I as I predicted, her enunciation is on a new levels. Here’s a list of words formerly known as…
The best way for someone to make an informed decision is when they have all of the information. That’s why it’s bad to be vague about your romantic intentions.
Today marks 23 years exactly since my first day of U.S. Air Force Basic Training. Also, it’s Day 9 of NSS, and I like it here.
This morning, I thought it could be cool to have a third hand that’s dedicated to playing with a fidget spinner.
Here are two photos that describe my daughter and my relationship.
Day 3 of Front-end Developer class at NSS. I like it here.