Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
Hey, Siri, play ‘Feels Good’ by Tony Toni Tone. I hit MVP with my React app, and it feels freaking fantastic, Fred! Of course, I wanted to get there sooner, but today is that day.
I’m pretty sure I spent most of 2019 reading the Song of Ice and Fire novels. Here’s a post declaring my parents’ rights to remaining property on their street.
The kids got a new Minecraft game. It’s six games in one.
There are three kinds of people in a managed group: leaders, followers, and people who don’t want to be limited by either of the first two labels.
Maybe I was a little bit ambitious by thinking today I’d be ready to have my app looked over and approved for MVP.
I’m one day from Minimum Viable Product on my Capstone project at NSS. Just one day from the funner parts: styling with Material UI and custom logic.
Today, I didn’t do a single line of code or coke. 3 years ago when I was still shaving and putting on an Air Force OCP uniform, I would’ve been afraid to make that joke.
Friday got here really fast. Fastly? Quickly? I’m seriously exhausted. But, I’m that accomplished kind of exhausted. I really figured out something that stumped me for 4 hours.
This morning, cutting my hair triggered a childhood memory that was one of my first lessons on the difference between an artist and a person who does art.
My mind was up for continuing. My body was not. Calling it an early quitting time from the computer.
This morning, Maddalyn came into my room to tell me about Roses are Red poems. She was reminded that I’m like this about things 🤓
I’m exhausted, so here’s some closeup photos of the creatures we saw on a walk this morning.