Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
Do you think birds know that pooping off a tree’s thinner, outer branches will prevent the poop from landing on the branch they’re standing on? 🤔🤔
I’m geeking out about teaching the kids Backgammon. Maddalyn is the age I was when I learned to play with my mom — according to my memory. This game hits me right in the feels.
I’m a sucker for Sunday mornings.
It’s cold outside, but I feel warm and seen inside. It’s a very promising Friday where my anxiety is overshadowed by some other feeling/emotion that’s more productive.
Managing projects for Software Developers might be my thing. It could be my jam that I didn’t even know is my jam.
I had a refreshing first date today. Breakfast and good conversation are a pair of my favorite things.
*snooze* Anxiety.
Convince me there’s a cooler animal than one that can wave its arms fast enough and powerful enough to push itself into the air.
I should be motivated and excited. I’m not crazy about applying for jobs right now because there’s stuff I still want to learn and practice with.
I’m reposting an article from Seth Godin’s blog published 20 October 2021. It’s my reminder to stretch ideas to uncomfortable dimensions.
Lady Bugs seem to come up with any excuse not to fly.
The key to mastery of Hide and Seek is to change your hiding spot to a spot the seeker has already checked.