Category: Life
Lifestyle, People, Family, Relationships, Parenting, and Introspection according to how life be lifing.
The movie Turning Red introduced the kids to “boots and cats” 😄😄It’s been a fun week.
Today, I did too much.
Today, I introduced the kids to rollerskating. And why was it so surprising that I roller-skated too??
Today, the kids and I brainstormed a 3-person tic-tac-toe. We haven’t settled on a name, but the board is a 4×4 grid and 3 in a row wins.
Since getting my a** kicked by the LinkedIn JavaScript skills assessment, I’m deep diving into mastering JavaScript classes.
I’m awake before the alarm. That can only mean 1 or multiple things!
This morning, I got a call from a company whose CEO saw my résumé online. The rep invited me to interview in person for a management role with no other job details.
This month, I’ll get the keys to my base housing unit on Redstone. I’m dragging my feet on getting movers and submitting a move-out letter. No reason except that I don’t want to do any of those things or think about them. Shouldn’t I be wealthy enough by now to have a PA who can…
Do you think birds know that pooping off a tree’s thinner, outer branches will prevent the poop from landing on the branch they’re standing on? 🤔🤔
I’m geeking out about teaching the kids Backgammon. Maddalyn is the age I was when I learned to play with my mom — according to my memory. This game hits me right in the feels.
I’m a sucker for Sunday mornings.
It’s cold outside, but I feel warm and seen inside. It’s a very promising Friday where my anxiety is overshadowed by some other feeling/emotion that’s more productive.