Category: Family
Parenting, Relationships, Kids’ Activities, Family Events, Traditions, Creative Projects, Support Systems.
As a kid, I missed the school bus a few times. I don’t recall one instance where I told my dad without him asking.
One morning, my son grabbed Simon and beat our top score by double. I’m not sure I made enough noise about how awesome that was.
I introduced the kids to blue agave this morning. It was a hit, as expected.
We pack in as much as we can with activities, but 48 hours isn’t enough.
The kids and I closed out the evening with chicken noodle soup and The Jungle Book audiobook at bedtime.
My dad and stepmom tested positive for the coronavirus. Damn. It got ‘em.
Yesterday, I called my mom to say Happy Birthday. She didn’t answer. I wrote a letter.
My son is really into freestanding handstands right now.
I got Maddalyn a set of hand brakes were a bicycle. We’re going to start learning how to ride without training wheels. Also, she’s going to help me install the brakes. I’m geeking out about it.
It’s Michael Jackson’s birthday, and I thought a lot about my mom today — the 80s, the better times — and smiled.
Having been pummeled by an 8 yr old, I might have to practice Smash Bro Ultimate. This weekend, I explained to the kids how ADHD affects me.