Category: Health and Fitness
Exercise routines, Healthy eating, Mental wellness, Mindfulness practices, Fitness challenges, Lifestyle changes, etc.
My gym visit turned into a photoshoot and interview opportunity with an Editor for The Redstone Rocket newspaper. Very interesting day I had.
My 8-day journey of stepping out of my comfort zone ended with me feeling like a champion, not giving in to anxiety or ghosting anyone.
I rode the the electric unicycle(EUC) 16 miles. It was fun-ish. Also, I figured out a better Fitness app workout for riding my EUC than the modified Cycling workout I’ve been using. My rationale is all very logical. 🤓
At the moment, doing push-ups hurt my wrist on the hand I broke in December. I have a plan — better said I have the tools — to rehab it.
While on active duty, a therapist taught me the practice of objectively reviewing my self talk. I’m not lazy because I don’t want a full-time job. I don’t want to give up my autonomy. I like it here.
I think I can reach a physique and fitness level similar to the one I had at age 23. It feels doable. I just have to attach the achievement to and endpoint that’s interesting enough to keep my attention: running fast.
I don’t feel like I have a mountain of task to complete, but the stress has already started my morning with a headache.
I want to ask the VA for a second CPAP machine for downstairs. I won’t, but I want to.
I’m losing weight, and that feels really good.
The board shorts I wear to fit a 36 inch waist have shrunk around me. I’m losing fat, and it feels good.
I have to say no more.
I am severely uninspired. I want to create things outside of Web development and portfolio content, but I don’t want to feel guilty about it.