Category: Health and Fitness
Exercise routines, Healthy eating, Mental wellness, Mindfulness practices, Fitness challenges, Lifestyle changes, etc.
I lift weights in the morning on weightlifting days. It’s my identity. It’s who I am. Thanks, James Clear.
I was wrong about the prime of my life when I declared it was ages 24-31. That period was a physical peak, sure. But right now, I’m in my prime right now.
Today at the gym on base, I got a compliment on my deadlift form. With that, it’s time for a fun fact about my start at weightlifting with free weights.
The greatest thing to happen to Redstone Arsenal since I moved here is 24 hour access to one of the two main gyms.
Call it a hunch…
I had my second counseling session with my therapist in person and it felt good. I want to feel like the things on my list of tasks are achievable instead of feeling dread and overwhelm. This is the outcome I want most from therapy.
I feel like shit, and I can’t put my finger on why. I’m going to go to sleep and try again tomorrow. Whatever the combination of factors causing my mood, I definitely do not have the energy to diagnose myself. I don’t even know if that sentence sounds right. I’m gonna go to sleep —…
I have to develop a habit of reminding myself that I’m also a high-value partner — a good catch, if you will. I almost canceled plans with someone who genuinely wants to be with me. This one is straight up me looking in the mirror and course correcting.
This is a list of things that feel really great right now. Call it me stopping to smell some roses. Yep, you guessed it: Midjourney made the art in this featured image.
I want to feel OK with looking for love while I’m healing from a damaging relationship — as opposed to waiting until I’m healed. Is that a movement yet? I think there’s hope for new relationships when we communicate early on what we’re experiencing during “recovery”.
I had a 12 hour migraine today on this otherwise pleasant Easter Sunday. Monday has two very cool things happening, so I’ve taken meds to guarantee I’m rested up. For this featured image, I got Midjourney to use a picture of me and combine it with the statue of David. I link to the full…
I pushed myself to go to the gym even when I didn’t feel like it, and I’m glad I did. Despite feeling physically drained, the sense of achievement and boost to my mental and emotional well-being made it worth it.