Category: Health and Fitness
Exercise routines, Healthy eating, Mental wellness, Mindfulness practices, Fitness challenges, Lifestyle changes, etc.
I’m angry. Very, very angry. But I’m not violent. Today, I drove to South Carolina for a medical appointment that involved needles, lidocaine, epideral steroid, and a herniated vertibral disk. Don’t gasp. The steroid is a piece of cake in comparison to the radiofrequency ablation I used to get: 3 needles, 3 times as much…
Wearing glasses is making my vision worse for when I’m not wearing my glasses. Today, I noticed in a hospital waiting room that I couldn’t bring into focus the people on a TV screen in the lobby. The TV was mounted on wall maybe 12ft away. That means that it’s gotten worse than just first…
At the post office this morning, I saw a mother of 3. Oldest kid couldn’t be more than 7 or 8 (he used mailboxes to figure out “how much is 6 times 7” ). The mom was in great shape. Phenomenal calves with an infant strapped to her chest. I wondered to myself, ‘how am…
Did some lifting this morning. It felt great.
I’m willing to pay someone to meal prep lunch and dinner I’m not ashamed of that. It’s a matter of peace of mind. Thinking about what to eat stresses me the hell out. Right now, I want to lose a lot of weight — like 30-35 lbs. Being aware of that, I want to make…
I want to talk about the anxiety following military retirement. I envision giving a speech or fascilitating an open discussion. I need to get the thoughts out. That’s my therapy: saying things out loud so they weigh less in my head. A couple of the main points could look like this: The connection between your…
I hit the heavy bag today. Damn it felt good. I’m sore in the punching muscles. Feels stupendous.
I had something good today, but I blew it and didn’t write while it was fresh. I was probably driving. I did workout today with weights. It was good. I felt like I expected to feel: out of gas, heavy, and sloppy. Weights have to come back into my routine moreso than cardio. I’m concerned…
I appreciated holidays when I had a full-time, government job. But now I appreciate when everyone else is at work, so I can get things done. I’m completely aware that this post makes me sound like a terrible person. Understood. Loud and clear. You will not get an argument from me. I am a selfish…