Category: Mental Health
Mindfulness, Stress Management, Therapy, Self-Care, Emotional Well-being, Mental Resilience, Positive Thinking
I seem to have used up all of my good decisions for the week already.
Disclaimer: I haven’t read the book (Healing ADD by Daniel G. Amen, M.D.) or opened it The title stabs, vexes, unsettles me It reminds me of when Storm told Rogue, “They can’t cure us… Nothing’s wrong with you.”(X-Men: The Last Stand) Or later Dark Phoenix when the Professor told young Jean Grey “You’re not broken.”…
I’m angry. Very, very angry. But I’m not violent. Today, I drove to South Carolina for a medical appointment that involved needles, lidocaine, epideral steroid, and a herniated vertibral disk. Don’t gasp. The steroid is a piece of cake in comparison to the radiofrequency ablation I used to get: 3 needles, 3 times as much…
I want to talk about the anxiety following military retirement. I envision giving a speech or fascilitating an open discussion. I need to get the thoughts out. That’s my therapy: saying things out loud so they weigh less in my head. A couple of the main points could look like this: The connection between your…
I miss Toastmasters. This morning, I had an epiphany about attending the weekly events. First, a little background: I haven’t been going to Toastmaster club events for over a year. Not because I don’t enjoy them – I love everything about how these events promote improving public speaking. It’s my weight. In about two years…
I asked for help(medication to help with focusing). I expect it should work out positively. And if not, at least it will be an answered question. Uncertainty is my Kryptonite. I’ve been obsessed with how things work for as long as I can remember. Fair to say that my curiosity is a consequence of the…
Today I woke up with the song in my head What You Won’t Do for Love by Bobby Caldwell. I like to think songs get stuck up there randomly, but who knows? I still try to rationalize a song’s significance – every time. In my reading into the chorus, I remembered an epiphany I had…
Yesterday, chatting with a friend overseas, I described the thoughts I have most mornings. To paraphrase: when I wake up, I think about all the things I want to create or finish. All of the things. And that shouldn’t be a problem. But it’s overwhelming – even if for a few minutes – to think…