Category: Health and Fitness
Exercise routines, Healthy eating, Mental wellness, Mindfulness practices, Fitness challenges, Lifestyle changes, etc.
It feels very introvert to need silence to feel well.
Is MRI perks a thing yet? I’m sure I’ve logged enough visits to request ‘audiobook service’.
I’m reminding me that I — a person of a sound mind and healthy body — choose my reality. Proactive instead of reactive.
Measure the consequences of actions available to you. Ideally, measure before the action. Measure twice to cut less deeply or however the saying goes.
I can — I will control my reactions to triggers. Stay tuned for the sequel: I Control My Reactions.
Chronic pain affects me in a way I can’t ignore. Yet.
I’m thinking out loud about anxiety.
I did 225 pushups over 14 hours because it was something physical to do. My body feels good. My mind and emotions feel…not good. I have to sleep.
Is your love a daily choice? I have this idea about avoiding complacency in a long term relationship. It’s so bananas that it just might work!
When someone shows you they’re trash…
The problem with finding peace is the statement. You have to create peace. The approach has to be intentional, not happenstance or gifted to you. But should having peace be your highest goal? I have some thoughts from me and Sadhguru on peace.
Today, I learned threading can remove ingrown hairs. Needless to say,the game for ingrowns on my neckline has just changed for me. Real game changer. I got miles of thread at home I inherited from a bad marriage. I might never tweeze or skinhook again! Wow why didn’t anyone tell me about this? I been…