Category: Satire
I love satire. It’s having wine with your turkey sandwich. These satirical works are mine and those curated from others where designated.
Starting now, I’m saying “This is the way.” in place of Christian affirmation phrases like “Thank the Lord” or “God willing” — just to spice things up. Don’t worry; I’m still lovin’ the Holy Crew. Before opening the post, try to guess the prompt I gave Midjourney to imagine that generated this featured image.
I didn’t get this week‘s Redstone Rocket newspaper. I wrote this post for anyone else coping with feelings of abandonment and neglect due to their free newspaper not being delivered.
Look out for people who do these five things. They are psychopaths.
The kids and I named a neighbor Porcha because she seems to always be sitting on her front porch when I drive pass. Also, we assigned her an appropriate occupation.
Sometimes, you have to give up on looking for a lost Chapstick and replace it. It won’t be easy, and it’s not meant to be.
Insider wrote an article with a headline too good for me not to pass up writing some alternative versions. Enjoy.
Air Force Vet and father of two, in a developing lawsuit, claims Disney must offer compensation for previously missing 3rd installment of X-Men movie from hit streaming service, Disney+.
Here’s some alternate article headlines about Gina Carano‘s firing. Enjoy.