Category: Entertainment
Movies, Music, TV, Social Media, Laughs, Other Publications, etc
This morning, I have the hook to Love Nwantiti in my head. Also, wakeboarding via drone could be fun one day.
I’d been thinking Asimov let me down with Foundation, but the story has just been taken up a notch. Suddenly, I’m no longer tempted to bail and read I, Robot again.
I setup the iPhone 12 Mini I’ve had for 4 weeks. It’s nice. Unlike my iPhone 6S, the 12 Mini fits in the groove of my keyboard! Double-win!
Dad and I talked about the books we’re writing — his memoir and my “Book 1”. Turns out I hadn’t told Dad the content of the first book I plan to publish. How is Book 1 going? It could use an outline.
I’d like to say something clever, but my eyes and brain are tired as ever. However…
A24, the film production studio that makes cool movies has some of their screenplays for sale in a stunningly perfect hardcover. I bought Ex Machina, and I think I like owning screenplays now.
I’m happy Dune(2021) is here. I’m not happy my AMC theater is allowing viewers sit elbow-to-elbow. Maybe I’ll go Sunday or not at all. This is upsetting.
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but “because I might forget” is not a good reason to move a task higher on your priority list.
I think the quality of vehicle you can own should be determined by the quality of driver you are. Can you imagine? I can.
I’m watching Mr. robot again. It’s dark, but also it’s brilliant storytelling.
This morning, I wanted to hear Spread by OutKast. Album title: Speakerboxxx/The Love Below.
Insider wrote an article with a headline too good for me not to pass up writing some alternative versions. Enjoy.