Category: Entertainment
Movies, Music, TV, Social Media, Laughs, Other Publications, etc
Here are 3 dreams I had last night in as weird detail as I recall
My daughter has started singing along to music in the car. Maybe we’re closer to figuring out another outlet for her.
I started my day with my favorite of Kanye West’s albums, Late Registration.
I’ve been listing to New Edition this entire week.
Sometimes, I feel like I have really, really lived another life before this one. Here’s a poem about it.
My son asks me to play Spaceman music when we’re in the car.
Unbreakable was a GD masterpiece. I watched it again, and I’ve decided I want to write a movie for M. Night Shayamalan. It’s officially added to my bucket list. I have a controversial, dystopian future story in mind – a story worth being told by a visionary storyteller.
Last night, I had a dream I shouldn’t have had about a mom of two childhood friends. Without question, the woman defined a standard of beauty and class that I gravitated to in my teens and adult life. Anyone who plots the common physical characteristics of black women I’ve dated would need little detective work…
I’m ready to share my review for the album Jesus is King by Kanye West.
In dreams, when people start to hand me paperwork, it’s time to wake up.
Here’s a poem about your inadvertent influence over a child.