Category: Business
Small business, big business, startups, entrepreneurship, professional self-improvement, benchmarks, networking, etc
I had a wake up about my the text of my business cards when a restaurant cashier couldn’t guess what I do at SM3. Yikes.
I pulled the trigger on a new blog. Today, SM3 has its first two posts. I want to capture this freelancing journey from year one and on.
I’m launching SM3’s Blog next week, 10 Feb 2020. Nope, it’s not ready. But any of the pieces can be improved after the content is live. Preview the Topics.
Freedom is everything.
With my digital agency, SM3, I’m doing nothing more than taking my skills in sales and marketing to the next level.
In the bed this morning, I cast a song from the Pixel to the living room TV to give me walk-down-the-stairs-start-the-day music.
I challenged myself to explain what I do for a living in one breath.
My son is going through a bragging phase. I gave him some advice that might help SM3’s website book clients
My children have a lot of energy. Now that I’ve incorporated SM3, I’m hiring them as part of my marketing team. Welcome aboard! I love you and the work ethic I’ll force on nuture in you.
Today, I published a mission statement for Say More Multimedia Marketing. BTW I think we’re acquainted enough by now that I can refer to my digital agency by its abbreviated name, SM₃. Mission Statement as Published on SM₃ FB Page:
On the wet ground of a Starbucks’ parking lot, I saw a business card
It seems 1 year is not sufficient enough time to unlearn working for several bosses. I’m hopeful. And I feel much closer to getting this freelance thing. Let’s see how 2020 goes. Full-time Student I’m gonna try the full-time student thing while freelancing. That will at least help pay the rent while work is slow.…