Category: Business
Small business, big business, startups, entrepreneurship, professional self-improvement, benchmarks, networking, etc
I finished a basic automation to help with scheduling SM3 Consults. It works. But more important is that I finished something.
I got a new client. I’m excited and also more strict about my workflow process.
I spent the full day re-writing Terms and Conditions for SM3.
I’m feeling good about my new work. It’s been looking very bleak for SM3.
I’m excited about web design again. Pumping out blog posts and batch writing posts is giving me life right now.
Right now, I’m currently focused on making sure my company is a 5-figure company. June is days away, and it’s looking bleak.
After the military, I expected that going full-time creator was going to be tough, but I definitely underestimated the transition curve.
This morning, I got a state business license for SM₃. It all took about 15 minutes.
I can’t figure out if now is a good time to have an ice cream truck business or not.
Today, I got some constructive criticism on my SM3 website from a pro in the online business space, Pat Flynn.
Finally turned in my income stuff. It feels great
I’m rearranging my living room to give my home office more natural light. Today is a vlog.