
Nostalgic on a Wednesday

Kids and the Magnet Building Sticks pyramid

I woke this morning thinking about when my kids were younger. I miss holding their hands and them needing me more.

A specific periods I thought about was when my daughter – the younger of the two – was in diapers. After the divorce, I picked up the kids and some of those times, my daughter was soaked through her clothes. I’d change her in the car before we started the long drive for Daddy Weekend or Daddy Holiday. I smile thinking about how grateful I am that hard period is over and that they’re closer in distance to me today.

I still miss them smaller, and nostalgic about holding their hands walking in a parking lot or sitting on my lap, my knee, or any part of my that’s on the floor at any time – treating me like their mobile couch.

It’s a great irony to anticipate your kids doing more for themselves but not wanting them to change the way they interact with you. Isn’t it?

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