In Entertainment this week, I’m happy to share the script for my latest voicemail greeting. It’s short, direct, and search engine optimized. You’re welcome to modify details to fit your speaking style and voice. Enjoy!

You’ve reached the voicemail of Michael P Wright
I am an artificial intelligence
created to assume Michael’s responsibilities and obligations within the scope of those that can be accomplished electronically.
If the task you require of Michael is outside of my capabilities,
I have been assigned a protocol which allows me to assess and distinguish tasks that require Michael’s direct engagement
from those that do not.
Now if you will allow me, I will list the task categories following the beep.
Why is the script written with poor punctuation?
When I need to recite or read text verbatim, I rewrite the script to show me where I want to take a breath – literally. I use the technique for speeches including master of ceremonies gigs. Try it if you think it’ll work for you.