If you’re driving a vehicle covered in branded material for your business all while operating the vehicle like a complete a**hole on the interstate, I’m going to leave a bad Google Review for your business. Have I reached a new low or a new high (road)?🤔

Before this afternoon, I might cuss, raise my middle finger in the direction of the driver, and maybe even slap the palms of my hands together really hard to override the source of my rage. None of that. No more of that now. I’m choosing a higher much more calming and gratifying path to deal with such a vehicle driver.
I’ll find your business on Google and leave a very honest and detailed review. I’m not concerned if the review is taken down by Google at the business owner’s request. It gives me a little bit of joy to know that someone who is a part of the offending business is inconvenienced — as I was similarly inconvenienced driving my vehicle safely and unselfishly while navigating around a bad driver.
If you think I’m surely joking and am not being 100% serious about doing this, we should hang out more. I am very serious, and don’t call me Shirley.
This feels like a new highroad for me. Why should I sit in my vehicle adrenaline boosted, heart rate pounding, and feeling pissed off? No, I can be much more productive with that energy. I can really really make a difference — or laugh trying.