Today, I completed all 5 items on my Daily Top 3 To Do List. You read that right. I rarely have only 3 top priority actions to accomplish in a day.
My daily goal is to identify 3 things I want to do each day. I write them in a Rocketbook notepad (Fusion model, executive size). Sometimes, I have list items filled in one or two days ahead. Most days, I fill in the list first thing in the morning. Often, an item will get moved to the next day. I’m a work in progress.

I restarted the habit in the first week of January 2024. Nope, there was no New Year resolution attached. I had introduced my Lady to Rocketbook and the wonderful world of erasable ink and scanning pages using magical text-reading-transcribing technology and whatnot. While giving her a demo, I remembered I have an executive-size (6 x 8.8 inches or 15.2cm x 22.4cm) Rocketbook planner that used to help me organize my day-to-day.
I brushed the dust off and began listing the Top 3 items. Today is the first day so far where I’ve checked off each item I put on the daily list. That feels good.