
Imagine me without stories

Michael P Wright michaelpwright.com michaelpwright

I’m living life and recording it less. Doing both activities sounds ideal to me.

My identity is becoming more solidified because of healthy interactions with my circle, regular introspection, steady spiritual education, and patience. Also. I’m doing the work to change a lot of self talk. For example, I try to stop saying things like “I’m not a patient person.”

I like this journey, and articulating it in words is challenging. Not impossible. I NEED writing, so I’ll adapt. 

Writing is good for my health  and a major part of my identity. Writing is storytelling. I don’t know if I’d have any personality if I didn’t tell stories.  That’s interesting to imagine — me teaching and sharing things without the ability and skill to make words materialize into visuals in someone’s thoughts.

Imagine that.

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