Seeing kids be weird in cars while I’m driving makes my heart happy. It’s very satisfying. They remind me that I used to be that weird kid riding in the backseat doing something weird for passing car drivers to think I’m weird.

It was very good times. As an adult, I might still make an ugly face to a bad driver or one taking themselves too seriously.
My kids on road trips
I wonder if my children ever look like the weird kids in the backseat. My son and daughter will read their comic books are drawing a sketchpad, while wearing a miners light. Initially, I thought it might be a little weird to buy them lights they can wear on their heads, but I quickly excepted that the idea is brilliant. Every now and then, I give each of the kids a tactical glow stick to spice up the long rides. I’m sure more than a handful of drivers have looked over into our car and thought, ‘Was that kid wearing a miners light??’ 😂
I’d definitely get a good chuckle if it were me seeing the kids from the outside. I am genuinely entertained by kids who have fun on road trips. Having to sit in the same place for more than an hour, for most kids, it’s probably extremely boring.”
GPT-4 (previously known as ChatGPT)
I asked GPT-4 for headline suggestions for this journal post title, and I used one of the many choices as is. I also asked GPT-4 to give me a description that’s 160 characters or less, and I picked one of those for the excerpt/meta description. 🙌🏾 What a time to be a live!
I’m happy to share the prompts and chat log I had with the AI chat bot message me via my Contact page or ask on Twitter.