Remember 3D TVs

Black Jack of Spades Light Bulb Idea graphic edited by Michael Wright

I wonder why 3D TVs didn’t takeoff. also, I wonder why dictation on my Apple iPhone puts a dash between the ”3” and the “D” — forcing me to manually correct the spelling — whenever I say 3D.

Personally, I didn’t buy a 3D television because I didn’t wanna have to wear 3D glasses on my face at home. I think that Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality tech moved a lot faster than home 3D entertainment, then we lost interest and forgot about 3D.

Maybe we just collectively understood that if we’re going to have to wear glasses on our faces, we might as well get the 180° field of view effect. Who knows? I’m sure there are articles that chronicle the fall of home 3D home entertainment.

Prediction: Movies made for AR/VR

Thinking about all of this also makes me wonder when we will eventually have movies filmed for AR/VR, and make giant TV screens and projectors obsolete. I definitely think VR goggles will eventually become commonplace and cheap enough to buy at gas stations or available for renting at your local Starbucks.

I suspect VR goggles will eventually replace televisions. Amazon will be the first to launch a VR store that you can browse and make purchases on using your goggles. maybe grocery stores will follow. Then, editorial websites with lunch versions of their websites made for Google Chrome VR. I think it’s really cool imagining that one day we will use VR technology for web browsing.

The technology exists. I figure Hollywood needs to see more VR goggles in family households. maybe movie makers are waiting for AR/VR tech to be as common as television screens.

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