My son is 9 years old today. Happy Birthday, Aiden!
My son is pretty dope. He has many of my better qualities wrapped in an introverted package. I still love his head like when he was a baby — it’s the best head shape ever😊😊
My Pac-Man. At age 9, Aiden loves Minecraft and Zelda on Nintendo Switch, riding his blue bike, making up games, and rallying kids to play a game with rules he’s made up. Wasps and bees scare him but wildlife and dogs of strangers do not.
He learns and remembers other kids’ names. He teaches me words for things regularly. At the moment, Aiden is the one who answers the phone when I call the kids on Sundays.
He’s a good person. He’s kind and wants to be recognized for his accomplishments. He remembers new words and their definitions insanely well. He wants to get things right.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
The Obi-Wan Kenobi series started streaming today on Disney+. it’s a cool coincidence because in the universe of The Force, my son would definitely be a Jedi with dominant strength in the sorcery side of The Force. I’m no super hardcore Star Wars nerd. However, I’ve read enough literature to know that Force users are typically more dominant in sorcery (powers of the mind) or physical feats (swordsmanship, telekinesis, lightning, etc).
When I think of my son in that world, he’s Obi-Wan Kenobi — rule follower, focused, on-mission, most confident when helping others.