I missed a massage appointment because of it Turo booking that came in because I forgot to block off an appointment. Ironically, the appointment I went to this evening was for getting the CR-V inspected.
As of Fall 2021, Turo requires vehicles have an annual inspection by an ASE Certified Technician. The inspection is half a sheet of paper and full of basic things like turn signals, brake lights, wipers, etc.
I wanted to cancel the Turo booking — and I did. However, when the Guest returned my phone call where I explained I need her to come 1 hour later, I heard a small kid in the background, and the Guest said she needed to get to work. She was fine with meeting later and rebooking the CR-V as her car is in the shop until Monday.
That would’ve worked out fine except we had to talk back and forth because the CR-V’s calendar wasn’t updating that the original reservation was cancelled. The calendar was showing the CR-V couldn’t be booked for the dates. I called Turo twice: once while driving to the inspection and during the inspection.
I finished with the inspection minutes before my massage was scheduled to start. 😟😔 I scheduled that massage in December and had been thinking about it since.
I did too much today. Sorry for how long the sentence in paragraph three is. I can’t go back and change it. I’m committed. My right thumb is centimeters away from the Publish button. There’s nothing I can do now. I’m sorry.
I needed to get back on computer and work on my portfolio tonight. I’m not though. I’m gonna crash.