Late last week, I did the math and realized I’d have the kids for the first two days I start class at NSS following the holiday break.
It’s not a big problem except the kids 100% can’t be in the house with me in order for me to get work done. I love them — and not just because I made them — but there’s no freakin’ way that would work out.
I texted a first cousin in Birmingham to ask if she could help. She was down and even offered to drive halfway to pickup the kids. I was and am beyond grateful. She didn’t ask for anything except for what Aiden and Maddalyn like to watch, eat, and drink. How do I tangibly show her my gratitude without it feeling transactional?
That’s a serious question…I’m receiving a monthly housing allowance from the VA while I’m attending school full-time. I sent my cousin cash in an amount that coincidentally is a little over the amount of two days worth of housing allowance (based on a weekday only calendar). It’s $9 off the amount to be exact — when calculating the Nashville housing allowance for G.I. Bill rate of a full-time student.
Maybe I could explain that part, so she doesn’t feel like I’m paying her for something she would do without compensation. Although, my having to have the kids in childcare for two days is a necessity. Maybe it’s transactional either way. But also, she probably doesn’t care because we’re family. Not the see you every few years family, we’re first cousins who grew up together. Kin folk.
I’m still grateful. Extremely extremely grateful.