
Officially OK With Being Called a Sir Among Civilians

Aging legacy Black Jack of All Trades by Michael P Wright for michaelpwright.com

Today, I’m officially OK with being called Sir by civilians. I’ve accepted that it’s gonna happen. After this moment, I will no longer be offended by someone clearly in their 30s or 40s addressing me like I’m older than 40.

I literally am 40 years old – for 2 more days. In fact when I say my age in my head, I say “only 40”.

From what I gather about this age period called Middle Adulthood, we should be well-trained in accepting things that will not change. Additionally, we should acknowledge and accept things we can’t control.

Maybe a symptom of wearing a long 40% grey beard is that strangers assume I’m older than 40. Or, maybe 40 is old to some strangers. Maybe if I had a smooth, shaven face, I wouldn’t hear “Sir” as often. I won’t cut my glorious beard to find out. So, here we are.

I’m a Sir. That’s who I am now.

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