Overwhelmed by the Things I Don’t Want to Do

CRT Logo for Say More Multimedia Marketing by Michael Wright SM³

Maybe not overwhelmed — just whelmed. I have things to do for client websites, but I’m not getting paid because one of the things I have to do for my clients (and myself) is send invoices.

Why haven’t I sent invoices? Because I don’t want to. Work still needs to be done, and I still do it. For example, I run plug-in updates once every week. I’m not getting paid for it because I haven’t sent new contracts and invoices the website owners.

I don’t want to do administrative anything for my business right now. Honestly, I don’t want to do it ever. I’d outsource sending out bills if I could. I’d automate it if there were fewer variables.

Suffice to say, I’m not interested in doing client work right now. Not with contract.

I might not be suited for business ownership — at least not without a COO or administrative assistant.

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